Personal stories showing how intuition, signs, awareness and divination are used to give direction and aid survival in daily life, relationships and crises.

November 13, 2012

nightmares and nightlights

When Alissa's two-year old daughter developed a traumatic fear of the dark – refusing to go to bed, waking up with nightmares and wanting to sleep in her parent's bed – she understood completely why gods were invented.

"We all seem be to be hardwired with a fear of the dark, of death and things that go bang in the night," sighs Alissa, "and because I, too, sometimes grapple with this fear I need to come to grips with it.”

“I don't want my daughter growing up with fear so I'm using night lights to cope with the problem until she's old enough to understand that light always follows darkness and she has nothing to fear."

"In ancient times, primitive North Europeans were understandably alarmed when the days became shorter and the sun traveled lower in the sky," explains Alissa. "They thought the world was ending and their death was imminent!"

"More than a month went by without any sunshine - plants died, animals hibernated and in the darkness people literally died with fear or went mad imagining evil spirits,” says Alissa. “A thousand thanks to the many inventors, scientists and researchers who gave us electricity, and a pox on the houses of all of the global warming scam artists who want to return us to the Dark Ages!”

Read more by Alissa on this issue:

  • sun worship

  • sun gods and virgins

  • inventing sun gods

  • harnessing the sun

  • the sun, moon and stars

  • the universal fear of death

  • a fishy story

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