Personal stories showing how intuition, signs, awareness and divination are used to give direction and aid survival in daily life, relationships and crises.

August 30, 2012

the big cleanup

It wasn't a 'wake up feeling happy to be alive' experience that forced Persephone, 31, to get back on track after a broken romance - it was the horrible spectacle of dirty dishes piled up in the kitchen sink, dirty clothes piled up on the bathroom floor, garbage piling up in the bins and ominous bills piling up on her desk.

"It was Day 11 after Peter and I had broken up and I still had no energy or enthusiasm or desire to get back on track – and I certainly didn't feel happy to be alive," sighs Persephone, "but the sight of the messes piling up around me somehow spurred me into action."

"I started off with small chores and then, by the end of the day, I had accomplished a big cleanup – as well as doing stacks of washing and paying all of my bills," says Persephone. "I amazed myself at how much I had accomplished, yet I still didn't feel good about myself – I was still feeling miserable."

"I suppose the big clean up was a start - a step on the road to recovery," sighs Persephone, "and some day soon I may look at the horrible spectacle of my sad face in the mirror and decide to do something about that, too."

Read more stories about Persephone:

  • clean up your act

  • unusual situations need special care

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