Personal stories showing how intuition, signs, awareness and divination are used to give direction and aid survival in daily life, relationships and crises.

August 29, 2012

revered wise elders or frauds?

Marina makes the point that all cultures appear to revere their elders to some extent, but is this a natural reverence, innate within us, or a carefully engineered reverence fraudulently promoted by the elders in order to prolong their lives, wealth, power and influence?

“At a time when the largest age cohort, the Baby Boomers, are retiring and being virtually spat at by younger generations,” says Marina, “it strikes me as odd that the really elderly, those born in the 1920s and before, are enjoying an amazing reverence that previous elders did not receive and future elders are even less likely to receive.”

“I’ve concluded that my parents’ generation used WWII very successfully as emotional blackmail to justify massive exploitation ever since,” says Marina, “and they shamefully used my generation as the scapegoats for all of the world’s ills that they, not the Boomers, caused.”

“The Golden Generation, as they call themselves, never suffered the grinding poverty, pain and premature deaths of earlier generations,” says Marina, “and it scares me that this may be the fate of my generation and those following thanks to so much of our taxpayer funds being siphoned off by our ‘wise elders’ for their own healthcare and pensions.”

“The Great Depression of 1929 was largely suffered by their parents, not them,” says Marina, “and for all the atrocities of WWII many servicemen and women of that era say that it was a really exciting time for them and a lot of fun.”

“After WWII this generation had incredible power and opportunities and they were instrumental in setting up systems that ensured them an early retirement with benefits that we can only dream of,” says Marina. “More is now spent on their healthcare and accommodation than the rest of the population put together, and we blithely accept it because they deserve it because they fought for freedoms.”

Read more by Marina on this issue:

  • golden generation v boomers

  • life extension on welfare

  • the gods of war

  • war hero frauds

  • dispelling myths

  • who invented nursing homes?

  • generational shadows

  • goodbye WWII

  • our 1960s or their mid-life crisis?

  • being young in an old workplace

  • the spoils of war vs survival

  • we’re ruled by dangerous old men?

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