Personal stories showing how intuition, signs, awareness and divination are used to give direction and aid survival in daily life, relationships and crises.

August 30, 2012

can other people put a curse on us?

It may seem incongruous that a go-getting single business woman of 32 could believe in witchcraft, curses, bone pointing and the 'evil eye' but Charisma maintains that her good fortune in life is due largely to her intuitive ability to avoid being cursed by other people.

"The evil eye is a particularly horrible curse," explains Charisma, "because it’s motivated by envy or disgust and it's something that total strangers can do to you."

"The other day, for instance," says Charisma, "I had to keep an appointment with my dentist and noticed that he had a new receptionist - a young girl. After giving her my details I sat down and started reading a magazine. Within a few minutes I felt very uncomfortable and looked up to see her glaring at me -- her eyes were literally riveted on me."

"I have no idea what it was that she envied or loathed about me - or whether she was just practicing a bit of witchcraft on me -- but for the rest of that day I took precaution in everything I did because my intuition told me that she wanted me to die -- and not just die, but die horribly!"

"It is a well documented fact that evil eye type curses are used very effectively in primitive cultures," says Charisma. "Even today pointing a bone at someone belonging to certain tribes can actually cause them to die."

"I don't think it's the bone pointing that does the trick as much as the intention of the person pointing the bone," says Charisma. "When you intuit that someone wants you to die, then a whole train of responses happen in your body and you can actually start feeling unwell as a result."

"And, if a whole tribe of people are giving you the evil eye then you are in serious trouble!"

Read more about Charisma’s story:

  • avoid evil eyes

  • aquarian connectivity

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